We tried out Warrior yoga this morning at Peacock Yoga Studio, which turned out to be a better experience than the accidental advanced class in Chiang Mai. This class involved some challenging movements but with plenty of resting and meditation points throughout. I felt like I could actually do the moves and not fall over every two minutes – success! Our teacher Prasad was very patient with us and told us we should enjoy ‘doing nothing’. I think I can get on board with this.

As we had two solid days of temples, today turned out to be a good rest day, involving several hours by the pool and some pad Thai. What a life.

Eventually we rounded up the gang and headed to Genevieve’s restaurant, a slightly more upmarket place with good traditional Khmer food. Most of the group went for the fish amok and we were very happy. The fish was also accompanied by copious amounts of white wine (obviously!).

After a dessert cocktail we headed to Pub street for a boogie at Angkor What and temple bar.