We had a huge breakfast at Coco resort before heading off for day two of our island hopping adventure. Today we embarked on tour A, a different set of islands and beaches to the one yesterday. This tour included kayaking and luckily we were well rehearsed in this sport (unlike another pair who kept falling in!).

Our first stop was the Small lagoon, the kayaks were lowered off the main boat and off we went to explore the caves and cliffs. As the small lagoon is small it felt a bit crowded as everyone was playing dodgems with kayaks.

The second stop was big lagoon, with BEAUTIFUL clear water and interesting crevasses you could kayak into.

Next was Shimizu island for snorkelling and it was here that we saw a TURTLE!!!! I was so happy just watching the turtle swim around all chilled and not caring about anything in the world.


Next we visited the Secret lagoon, which involves squeezing through a tiny hole to get to, but featured some cool but ragged cliff faces. The beach next to the lagoon had the most amazing palm trees and coconuts on it…


Lunch on the boat included a tasty BBQ-d Red Snapper fish, pork skewers, rice, and fruits. Perfect.

Our final stop was Commando beach where we spent an hour doing various activities: volleyball, basketball, snorkelling, sunbathing, and taking photos!

We then sailed back to shore but the worst thing happened, a girl dropped her phone into the sea!!!! It was a waterproof so everyone grabbed their snorkel and jumped in. Unfortunately, the sea was at least 20m deep and it was impossible so we had to leave it behind with the turtles.

After the tour, a couple of us went for well deserved ice cream and then headed to sunset beach with a few beers. At this time of day there are hundreds of starfish just chilling by the shore (also I’ve decided starfish are my spiritual animal). We had a tasty dinner at the Last Frontier restaurant and enjoyed chatting away about life and what it means to be happy. WOOP!