We had to wake up at 5am to catch our 7am flight to the island of Palawan, south of Luzon. We took an AirSWIFT flight to El Nido and it took about 1hr to get there. The descent was beautiful and the arrival at our beach hut was just delightful.


Our hut was on the sand and the water just 5m away.


The truth is that we sunbathed and swam all day-  it would be rude not to?! The view doesn’t get boring and the sea is crystal clear. It did rain briefly but it only lasted ten minutes and then it was back to paradise.

We went over to Mad Monkey for dinner and free drinks with our gal pals from Belgium. The food took a long time to arrive but this is known as ‘Filipino time’ as they are pretty chill and don’t worry too much.

The stars looked amazing in the dark but I couldn’t get a photo to show you!!!