Phare game

Day 2 of temple touring. Today we started at Baphuon, which I have decided is my favourite temple: After this we walked along Phimenakas and on to the Elephant terraces: Next was Preah Khan:   Followed by Neak Pean: Finally, East Mebon:   As you you can tell, the Angkor Read more…

Angkor you what?!

I’ve been very excited about this part of the trip as I had heard so much about Angkor Wat and its temples. Team temple consisted of Beth, myself, and our scouse pal we met in Phnom Penh. After arranging a tuk tuk together we were taken to the ticket office. Read more…


Arrived in Chiang Mai after about 3 hours sleep on the train. Arrived at our hostel (which I highly recommend) and got ourselves sorted before heading to the central area. Chiang Mai is less hectic than Bangkok and easier to navigate. We had some fried fish at a local eatery Read more…