Hold back the river

After leaving ECC we got on a bus to Vang Vieng. The experience was interesting for several reasons. Firstly, it took 5 hours which I didn’t believe when I first looked at the map, but the bus had to tackle numerous steep mountains in gear 1 for us to get Read more…

Coming out of my cage

Visited the Kuang Waterfalls which were gorgeous. Before getting to the main area we passed through the bear sanctuary, where Bears that have been rescued chill out and enjoy the wild again. It was very cute seeing them sleeping in hammocks and searching for their special treats. Super cute. The Read more…

Slow your boat

Checked out of our hostel in Houay Xai to catch the slow boat down the Mekong River. We got a tuk tuk down to the port and headed onboard. Although we had ‘booked’ seats it was really just a ‘anyone sit anywhere’ situation but luckily we got two together. Day Read more…

Friendship bridge

Started the day off by visiting the White Temple (Wat Rong Khun) which is very different from the other temples in Thailand. Firstly because it’s completely white, but also because the designer is big on contemporary art and wanted to incorporate his ideas into the temple, with the aim that Read more…