One week in Seattle

Day 1 After saying bye to my family I hopped on the Quick Bus to Seattle. It took just under 4 hours to reach Seattle with a stop at border control (where they ask like a thousand questions!). Once I arrived downtown, I checked into City Hostel, which was pretty Read more…

Bon Voyage Lucy

Thoughts before I go

It’s the day before I fly now and I am extremely excited. I had my final jabs this morning and  despite some arm aches I am absolutely ready to go! I am very lucky to be going with one of my top gals to South East Asia and I cannot believe we’re actually Read more…

Charles Bridge, Prague

5 days in Prague

In April 2017, my two pals and I spent 5 days in Prague. It was a combination of fun, culture, and a lot of walking. Day 1 We all met in London and got the late afternoon flight from Gatwick to Prague. We made our way to our pre-booked apartment Read more…