Checked out of our hostel in Houay Xai to catch the slow boat down the Mekong River. We got a tuk tuk down to the port and headed onboard.

Although we had ‘booked’ seats it was really just a ‘anyone sit anywhere’ situation but luckily we got two together. Day 1 was 6 hours and day two nearly 8. Other than the savage scramble to get on it was a very pleasant cruise.

After day 1 we stopped in Pak Beng, a small village that pretty much runs off tourists staying to break up the journey. We had a nice meal with some of our jungle buds and went to the ‘club’ Hive Bar for some Lao Lao (whiskey).

For day 2 we we’re out on a slightly different boat that allowed 4 people to sit around a table. This meant several rounds of Dobble, Rummy and beers. Can’t complain.

The arrival wasn’t particularly dramatic and we didn’t realise we arrived till everyone started piling off. After a steep climb we got a ride to our hostel.

Dinner involved cooking our own meat, veg, and noodles over a stove embedded into the table at Laos Laos Garden- fun!

Rounded the night off with a cocktail at our new favourite bar, Utopia.