The advice I received from anyone and everyone was ‘don’t bring too many clothes’, so I’ve listened and only packed a few shorts and tops! Very strange considering my wardrobe is bulging at home but I can believe that I’ll spend most of my time in swimwear at the beach. Below are some of the essentials that are coming with me:

Bag = 65L

65L backpack

Packing cubes! You can buy these same cubes here.

Packing cubes

Now for the health stuff. You can see I’ve got a Universal sink plug and also the Trek 50% DEET Insect Repellent Mosquito Spray which comes in a pack of 3. All the rest is the standard suncream, wipes and travel wash. I’ve got a classic money belt and even bought myself a dry bag. It’s not featured here but i did a little video on how they work.

Holiday essentials

Travel accessories

Some other medicines for a variety of ailments that I’ll probably get knowing me!

travel health

There are also a bunch of gadgets and accessories that my wonderful friends gave to me as gifts, you can see these on my post, ‘thoughts before I go‘.