Rice and fried bananas for breakfast  obviously.

In the morning we were visited by my Auntie’s, Uncles and Cousins and it was so nice to hear what everyone had been up to since I last visited in 2010. We walked around the village to see more relatives (they all live next door to each other) and laughed at my lack of Tagalog phrases.

We then went to the church in Manaoag, a Roman Catholic Church that has pretty much the exact same service as our ones back home. It was a beautiful place and had a sense of tranquility despite the many people wandering around.

After church we popped in to see a friend of my Grandma before heading back for lunch. The heat grew to near 40 degrees so Uncle took us to a another Filipino resort, Lisland, to cool down. We stayed here all afternoon sipping ice tea and dunking our heads underwater to keep cool.

Beth tried Tupig for the first time which is sticky rice BBQ in a banana leaf and she LOVED it! I’m so glad she like filipino foods.

Dinner was at Jolibee: burgers and rice, tuna pies, and Catsup (ketchup) satisfied that hunger you get after swimming all day.