After picking up all our tailored gear we visited an ancient house in Hoi An, one that has been standing over 250 years. A lady named Bing showed us around her home and introduced us to her family members. There was some really strong framework in the house and beautiful lantern decorations. Bing and her Husband make jewellery from 100% silver so they showed us how they make it – all the designs they’ve already done were on display for purchase too. OF COURSE, we couldn’t resist buying some jewellery as a memory of this lovely place…. They then sat us down for green tea, pineapple, biscuits, and homemade frozen yoghurt (was amazing). Bing spoke to us for a while about her life, and asked us questions about our world. It was a very cute experience and I’m so grateful they welcomed us into their home.

We had a fantastic time in Hoi An but it was time for us to move on to our next location: Ho Chi Minh City.

When we touched down we searched around for the bus but got severely distracted by the McDonalds staring in our faces! Now, we haven’t had much western food out here so the craving for nuggets had increased significantly. 10 minutes later we had greasy fingers and full stomachs. Had to be done!

We arrived at the hostel and headed out for a second dinner (obvs!) along the busy and loud Walking street. Hundreds of bars with reps trying to lure you in reminded us of Koh San Road in Bangkok a little bit.