Every now and then you have a bad nights sleep in a hostel, a day of 20K+ steps, or are a tad hungover. It’s easy to feel like you always need to be doing something whilst you’re away and it’s easy to burn out. Although Beth and I have been very active we’ve also have regular naps and downtime which I believe is the winning formula. Get up fairly at a decent time.. activities/sightseeing till mid afternoon, NAP TIME, and you’re good to go for the evening.

So we’ve now left the busy streets of Hanoi for the more peaceful Cat Ba Island, a ferry ride across from the mainland. Most of the fuss surrounds Halong Bay, but I predict Cat Ba island will be the place to be over the coming years. Numerous hotels, restaurants and bars are being built and most places are looking to employ westerners. Speaking of, after an amazing dinner at Yummy, we got talking to a British Expat now living and working on the island… and having the best time!

P. S ketchup is life …