On Friday morning I took a coach to Mar del Plata. Why there?! Well.. I met a girl called Sofia whilst I was in Cambodia and we shared a room in a hostel for a few nights. We hit it off and I was absolutely pumped when she mentioned she lived in Argentina. I accepted the invite to stay with her and headed over for the weekend!

Being reunited was absolutely amazing. I got off the coach and talked for hours about travelling and everything! When we got to her house I met her lovely family and we sat down to share mate (pronounced ma-teh, a herbal tea sipped from an interesting looking mug). One member of the family in particular captured my heart and that was Astor the puppy. He is named after Astor Piazzolla (who I studied in my music degree) and is only a few weeks old!!

Once I was finished snacking on Dulce de leche we had a ride around the city before heading to one of Sofia’s favourite bars, Antares, where we drank craft beers and ate pizza. We were later joined by some of her friends and went for further drinks at La Paloma bar. When it to midnight we ordered quesadillas and then went home.

On Saturday we went to the coast and walked along the port. Unfortunately it was crazy windy so we abandoned ship and went for lunch instead in a restaurant shaped as a boat, Quba cafe. I enjoyed my salmon bagel but didn’t enjoy being stuck in the toilet (tragic).

We then strolled along the seafront admiring the waves (MDP is known as surfers paradise) and the fresh air. When it started to drizzle we headed to the main shopping area in search of a fridge magnet for me (my fridge is insane). Sofia’s mother and sister joined for afternoon tea at Saint Jeanne and I indulged in the gateaux Argentina which was essentially a plate of Dulce de leche – yum!

Sofia’s mum drove us around the city and took me to a smaller version of Cristo Redentor at the end of the pier. On the way there we saw many sea lions which are the symbol of mar del plata.

We all went back to the house for a major nap and regrouped for dinner at about 10pm (they eat late here!). Sofia’s Dad cooked the most gorgeous steak accompanied with papa frittas and salad. Every household here has an indoor bbq so this meal can be enjoyed whatever the weather! Jelous!

At midnight, I’d like to say we went to bed but we headed out for pre drinks with Sofia’s friends. They welcomed me and introduced me to the local drink of choice, Fernet with coke. Unfortunately I found it too bitter but at least I tried!! A few rounds of beer pong and everyone was dancing and singing. My Spanish phrase UNO MAS emergered every now and again (one more).

At 3am we went to the club, Bruta, which was absolutely heaving (why weren’t they all in bed?!) but lively with a good atmosphere. We danced loads and before I knew it the time was coming up to 6am. We headed home and I had cuddles with Astor before going to sleep.

On Sunday we rose at midday and headed out for one last family meal together at the Italian restaurant, Timoteo. They then took me to the bus station where they sorted my life out (translated everything for me and printed my ticket) and we said an emotional goodbye.

I had the best weekend with Sofia, her friends and family, and I absolutely loved Mar del Plata. Until next time, mi amigo!