Unfortunately, Beth has been struck with food poisoning and is currently bed ridden 🙁

As she slept, I went on the hostel bike tour around Hoi An which was hosted by ‘Hoi An mates’, a non-profit organisation that offer free activities for tourists. They were super knowledgeable and took us to various spots. Firstly, we stopped at the family temple that had two ‘Vietnamese unicorn’ statues outside. There are five steps to the temple and each one has meaning:

Step 1: you are born

Step 2: you grow up

Step 3: you get ill

Step 4: you die

Step 5: you are reborn

Naturally upon hearing this news I took steps 1&2 then skipped to 5.

Next, we stopped at a place that made sleeper mats. It was interesting to see the mechanisms used behind making them and astonishing to hear how quickly they make them – in two hours!!!

Finally, we stopped at a rice paper making hut where we observed the process. It involves grinding rice with water before cooking like a crepe. The outcome was tasty (especially with Soy Sauce).

After a day of activities we cycled a scenic route back to the hostel and returned the bikes.

Beth was still feeling a bit grim so I went to dinner with our friends from the US. We dined at Morning Glory and enjoyed a chin wag before departing ways.