We took a ride to the temple furthest out of the complex, Banteay Srey. The journey took over one hour but it was fine as we had our pals from the USA to keep us entertained. I really appreciated this temple as it had no steps (woo) but had the most detailed carvings I’d ever seen. You’d like to think they had a stencil but it was hours of hacking at the stone to produce these outcomes.

After roaming around we saw a sign pointing to the lake but as the climate is so hot there was no lake to see – just grass! However we did enjoy being serenaded  by a music ensemble where the front man played the banana leaf.  Perhaps I should try getting a diploma in this intricate instrument.

On the journey back to the hostel, the sky opened and it absolutely chucked it down! Within 60 seconds we were wet through and to add to the moment a strike of lightning happened RIGHT NEXT TO US! I was a bit worried about our metal tuck tuck.

After we arrived back the weather cleared up and we were able to go for a swim. We ordered English Breakfast tea followed by happy hour cocktails. This is how we live.

We rounded up the troops for our final meal in Siem Reap, and decided on the Khmer Kitchen. I ordered the fish amok which was super flavoursome – would recommend!

It was then time to love and leave all the fabulous people we had met both in previous places and Siem Reap. Our flight left late at night and we arrived into Manila at 3am.