Started the day off by visiting the White Temple (Wat Rong Khun) which is very different from the other temples in Thailand. Firstly because it’s completely white, but also because the designer is big on contemporary art and wanted to incorporate his ideas into the temple, with the aim that it becomes as popular as Angkor Wat etc. Inside we saw Elvis, Harry Potter, and many more characters from films we love painted on the wall. There was also a darker side to the temple with angry faces, skulls, and bones. Something for everyone I’d say.

For lunch we stopped at ‘uncle ja restaurant’ where the owner let us play with her newborn chihuahuas.

After a two hour bus ride of sights, interesting smells, and bumpy roads we arrived at the Friendship bridge, which connects Thailand and Laos. Immigration control was a little bit confusing but we eventually made it into Laos and to our hostel in Huay Xai.

It always makes me laugh how the busses have the door completely open for the whole trip:

The main reason for us coming here is for our two day  jungle experience. We will be sleeping in a treehouse that is only accessible by zip line and possibly seeing/hearing some gibbons.


Wish us luck!!!!