The grand palace was a fabulous place. In true backpacker style we booked onto the free tour run by the palace staff. Here are some of the things we came across:

Phra Mondop (Buddhist library)The architecture of this represents ‘layers to heaven’, now if it was a cake it would definitely be my ideal layers to heaven.

Monkeys holding up a golden stupa – the ones without shoes are the devil monkeys. 

Plenty of interesting materials I want my future home to be built from…

The emerald Buddha was our final stop here but I wasn’t allowed to take any photos. The fun fact about it though is that the Buddha has three outfits for the three seasons; hot, hotter, and hottest.

Visited the giant reclining Buddha and looked at the surrounding area:


After this large intake of history we took our first tuk tuk rose back to the hostel. Later evening we bartered in the market (if my previous manager is reading this the ‘negotiation skills’ training was useful for this), ate exotic fruits, and drank G&T’s from a bucket. We like it here.