For our last full day as the awesome foursome we decided to visit the Poukham caves and blue lagoon. The hike up to the cave entrance was very steep and involved using hands and feet to get up. Once in the cave we followed arrows that pointed out the path, which started out fine but about 30 minutes in we stopped seeing any arrows and it became pitch black.

Decided to go back the way we came and went to the lagoon instead to swim. We had a fab hut right next to the lagoon and ordered food over. This place attracts loads of tourists so we were lucky to get on the swing for a bit:

In the evening we had an early birthday meal for Jennie at an Italian restaurant close to the river. We then had an obligatory dance at the infamous bar Sakura, where UK hits and K-pop brought everyone to the floor. The 12am curfew is earlier than Klute, but to our delight being in bed before sunrise is always welcomed now.