Visited the Kuang Waterfalls which were gorgeous. Before getting to the main area we passed through the bear sanctuary, where Bears that have been rescued chill out and enjoy the wild again. It was very cute seeing them sleeping in hammocks and searching for their special treats. Super cute.

The falls were so nice to look at and the water was so inviting. Although cold it was ‘alright once you’re in’ and we watched as people jumped off the tree into the water. We got quite close up to the waterfall and even climbed on it. Probably a stupid idea… I slipped on a rock, landed on my front and winded myself. I think my belly fat saved me from a worse injury though. Oops!

Beth’s two friends have joined us for part of the trip so we waited for their arrival before heading out for food. We then couldn’t resist going back to Utopia bar to join the others for a few drinks.