For our final day on the island of Panglao we opted for a hardcore beach session. Dumaluan was our beach of choice and we set up camp under a palm tree. The water was once again crystal clear and the sand was pristine. We spent most of the day finishing our books and catching those last rays of sun before heading back to Blighty.

We had lunch at the beach resort and enjoyed fresh salmon skewers. My appetite was back in full force!! Dinner was at the Hidden Dream restaurant where again we ate super fresh fish in or Sinigang.

Later we strolled along the beach and met some super friendly Filipinos from Mindanao who were here for their vacation. They taught us some Tagalog phrases and we told them what life is England (mainly cold).

To end the night we bought ice cream made by the Bohol Bee Farm. Instead of the cones we are used to they are served in a cassava chip cone, which makes an interesting overall flavour!