Woke up feeling more human but not 100% so I stayed in the flat whilst Beth did her discovery dive. She really enjoyed it but I don’t have a photo of the dive because she #didntdoitforthegram

After she returned we wandered over to Bohol Bee Farm which was really close to us. I managed some chicken soup at the restaurant but Beth had a FLOWER salad. Apparently it didn’t taste of much but it looked pretty!

The bee garden was fairly small and the real attraction was the massive gift shop. Tonnes of beeswax products and weaves available to buy and send home.


This appetizer below contains Cassava chips and bread made with Squash:

In the evening we headed over to a Spanish restaurant renowned for its tapas. As I was feeling 50/50 I stuck to plain bread but Beth enjoyed the croquettes and quesadillas.