I’ve been very excited about this part of the trip as I had heard so much about Angkor Wat and its temples.

Team temple consisted of Beth, myself, and our scouse pal we met in Phnom Penh. After arranging a tuk tuk together we were taken to the ticket office. It cost $60 for a 3 day pass but this can be used on any 3 days.

We then started at the infamous Angkor Wat temple which was as magnificent as people said. It’s a huge complex with a moat surrounding it and has several entrances.

It took a good two hours to get around the temple but it was cool to see the detail that was put into it:

After Angkor we went on to Bayon temple, the one with loads of faces:


Then we visited Ta Keo, a temple that got struck by lightning whilst they were building it, they then believed God didn’t like it so never completed it:

Next we went to Ta Prohm, known for appearing in the film Tomb Raider. Of course we had to get a photo with the tree:

Finally, we visited Pre Roup to watch the sun set. Loads of tourists had the same idea…

After a day of temples we ate fat burgers at the Hard Rock Cafe, followed by drinks at Angkor What? Bar.