In April 2017, my two pals and I spent 5 days in Prague. It was a combination of fun, culture, and a lot of walking.

Day 1

We all met in London and got the late afternoon flight from Gatwick to Prague. We made our way to our pre-booked apartment found on Airbnb and dumped our bags. As it was evening time we headed into town to visit a few bars. We quickly discovered that beer was cheaper than water (not a joke) and enjoyed our first night around the old town square.

Day 2

Up and out to see Charles bridge which was actually better than the average bridge, I say that because there were some fabulous string quartets playing as we walked along. We also came across the Statue of St John Nepomuk, and apparently if you touch the plaque and make a wish, it will come true in a year and a day. To be totally honest I think we were touching the wrong plaque. Anyway, soon after crossing we spotted those infamous donuts and just had to try. They were great, but very sweet and I don’t think any of us finished the whole thing (poor from me, I know).

For dinner we came across an amazing (but small) burger restaurant called the Sad Man’s Tongue and had the most divine burgers. You know the kind. A singer also came on and played some classics, which was a nice prelude to the next part of our night. We headed to Jazz Republic to watch some local bands play and enjoy some cocktails. Burger + chilled music = sleepy pals, but we couldn’t be having that on holiday could we! Headed to the 5 storey club Karlovy to dance and sing. I noticed that when I ordered a beer the tap entered the bottom of the cup and not the top – has anyone else come across this before?!

Donut   Sad man's tongue burger  Statue of St John Nepomuk

Day 3

Spot of brunch at Bakeshop before heading up to the castle area. It was pretty cool looking around, but we particularly liked our next activity which was climbing up the Petrin Lookout tower. Views for days and great opportunity for photos.

Visited the old Jewish cemetery which was beautiful, eerie, and breathtaking at the same time. The Spanish synagogue nearby featured some of the best decoration we’ve ever seen and it was definitely worth visiting.

In the evening we booked to watch members of the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra perform some fabulous music at the Rudolfinum.


Jewish museum  Concert performance  Aperol spritz

Day 4

On our last full day we visited Grevin, which is a wax works museum. We weren’t sure if we’d know any of the figures in there but there were loads! We hung out with Elvis, Mozart, Einstein and the Queen. It was brill.

After picking up some souvenirs we walked over the bridge towards Letna and ate lunch in the park whilst trying to sunbathe a bit. It was a quiet location to balance the rush of the inner city.

For our last evening we couldn’t resist doing the Clock Tower bar crawl. It started off in the ‘home’ bar where we enjoyed unlimited drinks, played beer pong and met the others, before heading out to a number of bars that I don’t remember the names of. All the fun.

Mozart wax work  Elvis waxwork Goulash

Day 5

Given that we didn’t get in until the early hours of the morning we pretty much had to wake up and leave to catch our flight from the airport!


Overall thoughts: There’s lots to do whether you have 5 days in Prague or even more. Definitely watch a concert and definitely eat a donut.