For our last day on Cat Ba we signed up to rock climbing in Lan Ha Bay. After a boat ride out and lunch with the climbing crew we got our harnesses and helmets on along with the special climbing shoes.

To be honest, apart from a small indoor wall I’d never done any climbing before. I was a bit nervous but still up for it and ready to try. Beth was really good and did the hardest one first! I opted for the easier one as a practice and after a successful climb I went for the big un! It was 22m high, or apparently a 5c, and required using toes in the small crevasses to get up. I made the mistake of looking down and back which felt really high and caused sweaty palms – thankfully I brought chalk up with me and was able to keep it calm. I felt quite accomplished once I reached the top and dead happy I went for it. I can see how outdoor climbing is addictive as it’s constant problem solving and looking for anything to grab onto before getting tired in the strange positions you find yourself in!

After the team had all done at least 3 climbs we headed back for dinner at Yummy and dessert at Green Mango. Early night!